ホーム > ヨーロッパ > スペイン > Islas Baleares (地方) > Baleares (県) > Alcúdia (市、区) > Alcúdia (地区) > 07408 (郵便番号)
総合評価: 8.2 最新7件のユーザーレビュー平均(全7件)
6月/2019 Someone from Switzerland 出身ユーザー:
"Dear Customer, We would like to thank you for this nice punctuation and also for booking TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins as your holiday destination in Mallorca! We would be pleased to welcome you back again! If for your next trip, you would like to contact with us directly, please, do not hesitate to email us at: info.alcudia@nordotel.com. Thank you! Best regards, Your TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins Team "
6月/2019 Someone from Portugal 出身ユーザー:
""Apreciado cliente, ante todo agradecerle el haber reservado sus vacaciones en nuestro hotel TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins. Gracias por compartir sus comentarios los cuales tendremos en cuenta para futuras mejoras. Reciba un cordial saludo. Su equipo TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins" "
6月/2019 Someone from VALENCIA 出身ユーザー:
"Apreciado cliente, ante todo agradecerle el haber reservado sus vacaciones en nuestro hotel TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins y le damos las gracias por compartir sus comentarios; no dude que su opinión es muy importante para nosotros y por supuesto los tendremos en cuenta para futuras mejoras. Reciba un cordial saludo. Su equipo TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins"
6月/2019 Someone from London 出身ユーザー:
"Dear customer, We are really happy to know that you have had a good time in TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins with us! And we would like to thank you for the time taken on posting a review and for choosing our hotel as your holiday destination. We can not wait to welcome you back! If for your next trip to Mallorca you would like to contact with as directly, you can email us at: info.alcudia@nordotel.com Best Regards, Your TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins Team "
6月/2019 Someone from UK 出身ユーザー:
"Dear customer, We value the time taken on reviewing us and we would like to thank you for that and for choosing TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins as your holiday destination. Your opinion helps us on keep working to provide the best holiday possible in Mallorca, so, if you would like to send me any more detail regarding the time spent with us, you can email us at: info.alcudia@nordotel.com We’ll be more than pleased to assist you. We are willing to welcome you back, so if for your next visit you would like to contact me directly you can also email. It will be a pleasure to attend you. Best regards, Your TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins Team "
5月/2019 Someone from Ireland 出身ユーザー:
"Dear customer, Thank you so much for this amazing punctuation and for choosing TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins as your holiday destination in Mallorca. Seeing that we had fulfilled your expectations motivate us on keep on working to provide the best holiday possible! We are looking forward to welcome you back soon. So, if for your next visit you would like to contact us directly, please, do not hesitate to email at: info.alcudia@nordotel.com It will be a pleasure to assist you. Best Regards, Your TUI FAMILY LIFE Alcudia Pins Team. "
4月/2009 Someone from kent 出身ユーザー:
"Dear customer, We couldn’t be happier to see that you have had a good time with us! We really value your opinion, and we are looking forward to welcome you back soon! If for your next visit you would like to contact us directly, please, do not hesitate to email at: info.alcudia@nordotel.com It will be a pleasure to assist you. Best Regards, Your TUI FAMILY LIFE Team. "